Monday, 5 November 2007

Lost Skills & Lost Talents & Lost Independence

As you see above are three pics whichI am going to explain shortly, Now I want to talk about scotland, Employment and Education,when I was talking to people about these items they had no idea what they were, what they were used for, or how the were used
Being I have been in the Unfortunite position to be part of the FULL "job Seekers" treatment and have attended two colleges, two univercitys, worked for several companys in three diffrent classifications both in sacture and policy there is a few things I can tell you about the system and the people in and around it.
The unfortunite truth is, scotland, england, Ireland Wales, just like the rest of the world, is full of idiots
there is very little learned in High school, and even less that is usefull, or practical each year more and more old skills we need are cut out, and new skills simplified.
mind you is addededucation was suppost to be diverse, if the spent all that money maintaining a good standard, and widening the amount to learn, and just EXTENDING THE AMOUNT OF TIME TO DO IT, then perhaps we would have more intelligent people in this world
After leaving unvercity with the job and education experience to get a 23k a year job, "especially since i worked a 21k job for 3 Years" because the quality of IT people in glasgow has become so drastically low, the going rate is 12k, thats right ladies and gents an IT person is now as underpaid as a worker at mcdonalds even more so even.
also the demand for certain qualfictions "CORPORATE QUALIFICATIONS" that only last a set amount of time before expiring, and can cost as much as a full years wage to do 2k for MCP course, 5k for mcsa course, 1.2k for A+ qualifcation.
Now some of you may think these are great qualifications but in reality there useless
A+ is a level of education i got at standard grade computing the lowest of the low, nowadays a lot of the questions are no longer relavent, and if you can tell the diffrence between one type of printer and another, then chances are you know enougth to pass, one question was why your not suppost to clean the ball in a mouse with oil based lubricantes.
yes questions that stupid
MCP is equally as dumb, as its basically the "HOW TO GUIDE FOR WINDOWS XP" yup yup Pointy Pointless with a extra large P on top
and MCSA is the same as MCSA but for Windows server 2003, again if you used windows server 2003 for any length of time its pretty standard in your brain
But during my travels i still meet grown adults with no idea what they want to do job wise, but know nothing of anything, so how do they know what they want to do if they dont know anything
they dont know history, they dont know any more than 1 religion, they dont know about other countrys and back to those pic's they know nothing about a number of old skills or trades
for example the first pic is of a quail, a Delicay to be eaten, who's eggs make a great side dish or part of a 1st class meal
the second pic is of a Wet Stone, and by the way I have asked this numerous times and guess what 0, I repeat almost no one I asked knew what it was, only when I asked a guy due for a dirt nap did i get a correct answer
a Wet stone is a sharpening stone to sharpen knives and bladed tools etc a concept which no one seemed to understood when i explained it to them
and finally the one where i got some answers, which made me want to cringe in terror one being a Microphone
the last one is a morse code Key, I could have picked Steam Engineering, and various masonary and wielding methods that are in short supply, some so short there is no one to teach let alone any pupils, yet the demand for these type of employees are marginally high in some areas, or a knowledge of it is, required
but for people to know if they want to learn it, they have to go on a course, how can one become an accoutant without doing an accountants course, how does one know they want to be a nurse unless they have been helping one.
sure money is a motavation for most, but what about simply being happy and fufilling a need
Blah maybe im just too logical for an illogical world
yep in this country if your unemployed for 6 months you get put on a placment which they then sign you to being "employed" which to clarify you are not, but to continue to receive benefits or your minor job seekers allowance, you have to do about 30 hours of work at this placment with only £30 quid over your current jobseekers allowance totalling less than £150 per 2 weeks,
this allows the goverment to say employment is up when its not, and be honest who can live on £150 per two weeks, its £50 for council tax per month, £600+ on bills per year just for lights heating and that 1 tv
what about travel money, food drink, by army standards the nutrition of a pot noodle is ok, but should not be eaten in excess for long periods of time over 1 month and psychogists have proven such eating habits will lead to social depression, manic depression, and emotional unstabilitys its not exactly part of high school training to hunt for food, and what is there to hunt ? rats? cats? neds"chavs" ?

yep i am sure our goverment is pro cannablisum

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